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Weekend workshops; "TAIJIQUAN" 14 & 15 September, 2025 26 & 27 April

Sat, 14 Sept



"TAIJIQUAN: short sets, eight gates & five steps, eight fundamental movements”

Weekend workshops;  "TAIJIQUAN" 14 & 15 September, 2025 26 & 27 April
Weekend workshops;  "TAIJIQUAN" 14 & 15 September, 2025 26 & 27 April

Time & Location

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14 Sept 2024, 10:00 CEST – 15 Sept 2024, 16:00 CEST

Antwerpen, Ballaarstraat 114, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium


About the event

What is Taijiquan?

Taijiquan is a form of Chinese self-defence or martial art, which took shape in the North of China at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, under the impulse of the Yang and Wu families (see our books for a correct picture of the history of taijiquan). 'Quan' means 'fist', but is used here to denote the use of the fists (boxing) and other parts of the body for attack and defence. Taiji refers to a thousand-year-old Chinese philosophy, of which Yin and Yang are at the core. In the Zhouyi (Yijing), the Book of Changes, we find the first mention of the term 'Taiji'. This terminology and the philosophy associated with it were put in a Confucian light by the Neo-Confucianists about a thousand years ago, while Taoists in particular have converted them into bodily practices over the past two thousand years. The rather late development of Taijiquan (the martial art of Taiji) has taken both the philosophy of the Neo-Confuciantists and the practice of the Taoists as an example and thus realized an efficient martial art and health practice. Taijiquan was composed by the Yang and Wu families and their associates, using elements from various older martial arts (such as the martial art of the Chen family from Chenjiagou) and Taoist practices. In the twentieth century, various traditions arose (Wu, Li, Sun), while the martial art of the Chen family also came to borrow the name Taijiquan. From about 1920, but especially in the fifties of the twentieth century, a simple Chinese gymnastics, based on Taijiquan movements, was developed. These simplified exercises, called Taijicao or Taiji gymnastics, form the basis of most forms of Taiji practiced in China and the West. However, they are not the same as the much more complex Taijiquan and should not be confused with it. Most of the features of Taijiquan (such as more efficient health training and martial arts) are missing in Taijicao.

What is TaoistStudies.Org's Taijiquan?

At TaoistStudies.Org we train the Fu Qinglong lineage of Taijiquan. This is a non-simplified version of Taijiquan, originating with the Yang and Wu (Li) traditions, as it was initially developed by Dong Yingjie in Jiangnan (south of Yangzi or Long River) in the first half of the twentieth century. Dong Yingjie was a very distinguished disciple and successor of Yang Chengfu, the most famous master of the Yang tradition. The Taoist influence on the Wu version has been quite strong from the beginning, and it was further explored by Taoists from the Southern Tradition of Internal Alchemy. This very rich tradition was handed down to us by the Taoist Dr. Fu Qinglong. The Taijiquan practice consists of: stances/movements, development of neijin (internal energy), releasing jin(energy), qi training (qigong), sets, tuishou (pushing hands), sanshou (fixed and free applications), weapon practice (straight sword, sabre, spear, staff, fan, halberd), qinna (grabbing skills), shuaijiao (wrestling techniques), meditation, breathing exercises, etc. In addition, the student will have the opportunity to explore all the backgrounds of this art (history, philosophy, medicine, rituals, etc.).

In TaoistStudies.Org, the emphasis is on authenticity in the effects of the training, i.e. the realization and stabilization of what the tradition proposes. As a result, the biggest work lies in learning to move, stand, feel and think differently. Don't expect woolly situations, instead we work hard to achieve stable results under the most professional guidance. Don't expect quick mastery and fleeting effects, but slowly grow in firmness and flexibility. Don't expect spectacular demonstrations: anyone who engages in them violates Yang Chengfu's instruction that one should not boast about this kind of thing. Dong Yingjie once said that if Taijiquan practitioners do not know or apply these rules, it is because these things are only passed on to indoor students through so-called traditional Chinese koujue (secret formulas and instructions). Few have been given access to these mysteries. With us, you will be constantly familiarized with them and they will become clear and constantly shown because we want you to achieve real results. The result is a firmly rooted training, which also looks good (see books for the principles and classical textual traditions of Taijiquan). Those who begin to master the principles and techniques can then begin to taste the freedom of thought and action.

Why should I study Taijiquan at TaoistStudies.Org when I see that people teach these Chinese exercises anywhere?

There are various versions and styles of Taijiquan. There are traditional methods of teaching these practices and non-traditional ones. There is superficial acquaintance, there is extensive knowledge. Some teachers have a high level, some a low level, and some haven't even understood the basics. So, there are plenty of reasons for a would-be practitioner (or even an experienced one) to no longer be able to see the forest for the trees. It is impossible for a would-be practitioner or even for someone with insufficient insight into the more historical evolution of these trainings to paint a clear picture of what is sound and what is not. But there are criteria that can clarify things. Taijiquan is basically an extremely complex system of practice. Anyone can practice Taijiquan (on one level or another). Teaching is a different matter. Without long-term experience and extensive knowledge of the body, its workings, Chinese self-defence and health training, Chinese philosophy, Chinese Medicine, etc., one does not have sufficient foundations to teach these techniques safely and correctly. In addition to the benefits that these workouts can bring, they can also cause serious health problems due to incorrect training. A well-trained, well-informed teacher is a first absolute necessity.

With TaoistStudies.Org, you can be sure that you are in good hands. The senior professor, Dr. Vercammen, wrote a very well received PhD thesis on Taijiquan, Qigong, Xin(g)yiquan and Baguazhang. To do this, he studied all available material (ancient and modern Chinese texts and visited various old (and younger) masters on China, interviewed them and trained under their guidance. For almost 50 years, he has been practicing and studying various forms of Chinese self-defence and health exercises in theory and practice. He continues to collect and research material and works daily to expand his knowledge and experience. All (assistant) teachers associated with TaoistStudies.Org have been personally taught by Prof. Dan Vercammen for (decades) of years and have the necessary knowledge and backgrounds to provide lessons. They continue to study regularly and attend practical lessons to keep their knowledge up-to-date, which they receive from their shifu in the traditional way.

What can you expect from our Taijiquan weekend workshops?

Our weekend workshops consist of short sets composed of fundamental techniques and movements.

The Philosophy behind the Movements:

  • Each movement corresponds to a Trigram from the philosophy of the Yijing/Book of Changes
  • We discuss the Former and Later Heaven versions of the practice; the Former Heaven refers to the alchemical return to the activation of the body's restorative functions.


  • Principles of movement
  • Dantian (Field of Cinnabar) explanation


  • 2 short sets
  • stances practices
  • martial arts applications

Practical information:

  • where: China Arts College, Ballaarstraat 114, 2018 Antwerpen
  • dates: 2024 14 & 15 September and/or2025 26 & 27 April
  • time: 10:00 am– 4:00 pm (door open from 9:45 am)
  • For everyone interested in Taijiquan
  • fee: Early bird: 2024, 14 &15 September € 200,- after 13 August: € 225,- Early bird: 2025, 26 & 27 April € 200,- after 15 March: € 225,- Early bird; 2 weekends 2024, 14 & 15 September and 2025 26 & 27 April € 380,-
  • register: via the button below
  • clothing and shoes: see terms & conditions
  • a pen and notebook for taking notes
  • You can bring your own lunch. There are several eateries or supermarkets in the immediate vicinity. Chinese tea is always available, but you can also bring your own drinks.


  • 14, 15 Sep & 26, 27 April

    2 weekends 2024, 14 & 15 September and 2025 26 & 27 April

    Sale ended
  • After 13 August Tjq 14, 15 sep

    Sale ended



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